Star Trek 1401: Fool's Gold, Issue 4

1401. Fool's Gold, Issue 4

PUBLICATION: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Fool's Gold #4, IDW Comics, March 2010

CREATORS: Scott and David Tipton (writers), Fabio Mantovani (artist)

STARDATE: Unknown (follows the last issue)

PLOT: Garak proposes the treasure be found, and the following con is perpetrated on the two released rogues. Quark gives them coordinates and asks them to get the treasure for him for a cut of the profits. They fly to Bajor and find treasure replicated by O'Brien. Kira and a squad of Bajoran troops immediately arrive to take possession of the "treasure" and thank the two men for finding the embezzled Bajoran wealth. They get a big parade and a medal, which makes the news. Soon, treasure hunters leave the station. Sisko confronts Dukat about spreading the rumor and giving collectors codes to damage parts of the station without detection, but the Gul admits to nothing. Garak, who has inspected the "treasure map" misses his next lunch with Bashir to visit Bajor and find the actual treasure, enough to keep himself in business for a long time.

CONTINUITY: See previous issues (Garak, Dukat, Morn).


PANEL OF THE DAY - A Star Wars moment
REVIEW: An excellent resolution that all hinges on Garak's knack for deception. It's a lot of fun to see a con executed so well, even if you could guess it was before its actual reveal (maybe this helped convince Sisko of Garak's usefulness in By the Pale Moonlight). Dukat's role is another nice twist, and even MORE fun is the coda with Garak scooping up the treasure, in town no less. No dank caves for him! While the first three issues are sort of all set-up, they're worth it for these uniquely Cardassian resolutions.
