PUBLICATION: Star Trek - Captain's Log: Sulu, IDW Comics, January 2010
CREATORS: Scott and David Tipton (writers), Federica Manfredi (artist)
STARDATE: Unknown (some time after ST VI)
PLOT: The Tholians have taken offense at a Federation colony near their border and Sulu's Excelsior is sent in for diplomatic talks. Unfortunately, Sulu has to stop to rescue a ship in trouble, insulting the Tholians by arriving 37 minutes late to the rendezvous. They send their fleet to attack the colony, but Sulu doesn't give up. He gives the Tholians an out by asking them to weigh mercy (his own and theirs) against punctuality, and they accept his excuse, preventing all-out war.
CONTINUITY: The story starts with a fencing match, Sulu's sport since The Naked Time. The Tholians first appeared in The Tholian Web. Janice Rand appears (ST VI).
DIVERGENCES: The USS Shepherd is pictured as an Oberth-class ship in one panel, and as a Constitution-class in another.
PANEL OF THE DAY - The Tholian Yarn

ya know Siskoid i wish you would have taken me up on that e-comic of X-Man in which Hybrid makes a come back. it wasn't a bad story i would have liked your insight on it. your quite the 0fficionado of not just ROM issues but of tie-ins as well.