Cat of the Geek #88: Battle Cat

Name: Cringer
Stomping Grounds: Masters of the Universe (toys, animated series)
Side: Good
Breed: Eternian tiger
Cat Powers: Turning into a bigger, braver, more powerful version of himself. Fated to serve as He-Man's mount.
Skills: Eat 8, Sleep 8, Mischief 7, Wit 4, Inspiration for at least one mount in World of Warcraft 10
Cat Weaknesses: A penchant for cat girls. As Cringer, a terrible coward, afraid even of the Power of Grayskull turning him into a brave version of himself.


Austin Gorton said…
afraid even of the Power of Grayskull turning him into a brave version of himself

He really was a fraidy cat, wasn't he?
Anonymous said…
Well, of course. Bravery can get you hurt.
among other masters of the Universe Toys the original Battle Cat and Castle Greyskull were part of my collection. such fond memories and some not so fond such as when the cartoon came out and then the movie.
Siskoid said…
Had the Castle, but never the cat.