Reign of the Supermen #17: Superix

Source: Action Comics #579 (1986)
Type: The real deal (turned/since retconned)Superman is brainwashed by a druid into participating in an Asterix homage/crossover. It's a flashback to the past in more ways than one. Supes returns to 253 A.D., and you'll return to April 19th, 2008.


Anonymous said…
I was about to protest that Asterix's adventures took place in 50 BC and not 253 AD, but it looks like you covered that two and a half years ago.

In 253 AD, you'll be interested in knowing, Gaul was not terribly much under Roman control; Alamanni Germans kept tromping through Gaul and the Romans were repelling them with only partial success. They had an opportunity for Superman and Asterix to team up and fight Germans, and they blew it. Bastards.
Siskoid said…
I just can't believe they killed Asterix so that Jimmy would have something to do in the story. Bastards.
SallyP said…
Superman and Asterix? I MUST find this!
Siskoid said…
Should be fairly easy. Those were not Superman's glory days.

Though the Giffen art might give it some shine.