Cat of the Geek #90: Puss in Boots

Name: Puss AKA Puss in Boots
Stomping Grounds: Shrek films from the second onwards
Side: Mercenary, then Good
Breed: European Shorthair
Also: Handy with a rapier. Always pays his debts. Romance.
Skills: Eat 5, Sleep 5, Mischief 8, Rapier Wit 6, THE EYES, YOU CAN'T RESIST THEM!!! 11
Cat Weaknesses: Hairball problem. The jealousy of other talking animal sidekicks.


FtonDavid said…
Ah, there he is, with his saucer-like eyes. Very cute mini-van commmercial with him some time back, he was playing with the keys in a most adorable way ... I wonder if Simon's Cat has made his way into the Cat of the Geek Week? Maru might be a win, too.
Siskoid said…
They haven't appeared as yet, but there are still plenty to go!