Reign of the Supermen #60: Post-Crisis Composite-Superman

Source: Superman/Batman Annual #3 (2009)
Type: VillainOk, one last Composite-Superman!

This one is the zombie of an aborted experiment by Professor Ivo, a clone of the entire Justice League of America predating Amazo, but recently and inexplicably reanimated. It tries to replace both Superman and Batman, but its split personality gets in the way of things. In the end, the World's Finest duo talk it to death.
Yikes! I guess he really WAS held together with shoelaces.

And so Superman/Batman continues to cement its reputation for being slightly off-continuity. This Composite-Superman has Red Tornado's powers, which it shouldn't given that 1) it is meant to predate Amazo, and Amazo predates Red Tornado's joining the JLA; and 2) how do you "clone" Red Tornado - he's a robot! I also find fault with the Composite knowing that Lois and Clark are married, since his "genetic knowledge" should predate that event by many years.

But as with all things Composite-Superman, we'll let it slide. This character is not about logic!


LiamKav said…
Is it me, or do all these Composite-Superman images say that Clark and Bruce have the exact same chin?
Siskoid said…
Or perhaps that most artists can only draw one version of the male chin.