Cat of the Geek #101: Links

Name: Links
Stomping Grounds: Windows Office Assistant
Side: WinEvil
Breed: American shorthair
Cat Powers: Terminal cuteness. Is he the Matrix.
Skills: Eat 3, Sleep 7, Mischief 6, Wit 5, Making you want to actual use Office Assistant 4
Cat Weaknesses: Tries to help when you don't need it. The well-advertised feud between him and Clippy.
The Many Faces of Links:


LiamKav said…
I've only just realised that the Office Assistants have been removed from the last two versions of Office.

How thin the line is between helpful and annoying.
Anonymous said…
To this day, I miss Scribble the Cat from Office 97. You can see her here:

Normally I don't assume that cats are female (and dogs are therefore male), but when you would save a document in a new folder, Scribble would animate the process by grabbing a Scribble-kitten from offscreen and gently lowering it into a folder.

Scribble was all right. I would run Scribble today if I could.
Craig Oxbrow said…
He is very cute. But being able to save my work promptly is probably better.
Maybe, but you can turn it off if you want to. I miss the feature. It was fun.