Reign of the Supermen #109: Atticus Kent

Source: Superman: A Nation Divided GN (1999)
Type: ElseworldsIf Superman had lived through the American Civil War, would he have changed the course of history? Well, let's see what this guy could do for the North. How about... throwing cannonballs bare-handed?
Making the Rebs' guns too hot to handle?
How about punching cannonballs out of the air?
Or force General Lee to surrender by dangling him from a height?
Or even... taking a bullet for President Lincoln?
Well YEAH, there are bound to be some changes to the timeline.

What happened after that? Well, hard to say. A sequel is hinted at though, with Atticus morphing his Kryptonian capsule into a literally silver horse and going cowboy.
I bet the West was tamed in about half a weekend.


Unknown said…
That Elseworld really illustrated what makes Superman dull- too powerful.

It's a pity they didn't do more Elseworlds with characters other than the "Big 3".

Are you going to cover the Big Band characters too? They have some pretty much straight versions of DC characters- too close to even be parodies. :)
Siskoid said…
I'll put that in my notebook!
Siskoid said…
Though of course I don't agree that Superman is dull because he's too powerful (or at all dull, or that Nation Divided was dull).
Anonymous said…
Superman is boring if he is pitted against purely physical threats that aren't any match for him. I suppose that applies to anything.

I like Superman as a guy whose biggest challenge is trying to inspire people to be better members of their community. That puts him on an equal footing with everyone else, just using what gifts and talents he has for the common good, but without intimidating others into following suit. That's a fight he'll lose more often than not.