Movie Marquee Friday: The Crap I Won at the Oscar Party

Chain linked and steeled hard...
Fighting not to get that final period...

Through galaxies of dancing chicks...

I got an email and it told me / Crack the same for easy money...

Strings take us back in time...

This is all before he speaks...

The queen of mean is ready for her speech now...

Auroras were never so clear in their toy marketing message...

On highways of malaise...

Rose petals and champagne and all the accouterments...


Matthew Turnage said…
I saw Masters of the Universe when it came out on VHS way back when out of basic curiosity (I had been a fan of the toy line, which had faded in popularity a couple of years before the movie actually came out). All I remember is thinking it was a lot better than I expected, but that's not saying much.

However, a couple of years ago I read something on the interwebs that said the movie was basically Jack Kirby's New Gods with the Masters of the Universe characters substituting. It's made me curious to rewatch it, having read New Gods since the first time I saw the movie. Not curious enough to actually do it yet, but I would like to hear your take.
Siskoid said…
For my part, I'm intrigued by the fact Paul Chadwick had something to do with the production design, as semi-biographically told in one of his Concrete mini-series.