Inspired by THIS:While you enjoy this Amalgam of Star Trek and Firefly, allow me to confess one of my repulsively geeky habits. This kind of amalgamation is something I do all the time as a mental exercise. Any show or franchise that has an ensemble cast, I eventually and inevitably put that cast on a Federation starship (usually TNG era) named after the corresponding show. It really doesn't have to be science-fiction. Captain Bartlet of the USS Republic? Check. Captain Phelps of the USS Impossible. Likewise. Captain Jack Harkness of the USS Torchwood (everyone's potentially a redshirt!). Captain Buffy Summers, youngest Captain in Starfleet, of the USS Sunnydale. Captain Donaghy of the USS Rockefeller (NCC-30). They've all existed in my head space.
Hi, my name is Siskoid and I'm a capital-G Geek.
Hi, my name is Siskoid and I'm a capital-G Geek.
Let's put it this way.
Commander Shepard of Starfleet quickly becomes Commander Shepard of Section 31 quickly becomes "Shepard: Armed and extremely dangerous. Do not approach"
Really, she'd barely fit in with TOS. TNG and Shepard, well...
I even created an entire world for Westerns in which the Federation and Klingons were fighting over rights to colonize the planet.
No, I haven't thought of this in a while but it doesn't take much to get me thinking of that again. I know Whedon hates Trek but should at least give us a Buffy/Firefly comic crossover some day! Not because it would be necessarily good, but just because it would be awesome.
YES! + one million points to you.