Source: Tiny Titans #39 (2011)
Type: Off-canonI LOVE this idea. What if Superman's costume were based off of Connor's jeans and t-shirt design. It's a grown-up Superfarmboy look, adding a cool plaid shirt in the mix.
Maybe I should submit the idea to Project: Rooftop - redesigns for the adult heroes derived from their sidekicks' uniforms (as opposed to vice-versa). If I had any talent, I'd do it myself, but...
Type: Off-canonI LOVE this idea. What if Superman's costume were based off of Connor's jeans and t-shirt design. It's a grown-up Superfarmboy look, adding a cool plaid shirt in the mix.
Maybe I should submit the idea to Project: Rooftop - redesigns for the adult heroes derived from their sidekicks' uniforms (as opposed to vice-versa). If I had any talent, I'd do it myself, but...