Reign of the Supermen #211: Total Justice Superman

Source: Kenner action figure (1996)
Type: ToyComes with:
Chest Armor
Kryptonite Ray Blaster
2 Kryptonite Shields

Accessories! They're a good way to reuse the same old molds for new figures, so long as you switch their less slick plastic accessories. Total Justice's back story is that Batman builds "Fractal Techgear" to fight Darkseid and outfits various members of the Justice League with it. Weapons and armor appear out of thin air as needed! And in Superman's case (though he did not appear in armor in the tie-in mini-series), not only do the Fractals boost his power and make him resistant to kryptonite, but it also channels kryptonite energy into a gun!

A gun! A problem - thematic - second only to the Total Justice figures' spindly legs and unarticulated EXTREME!!! poses. As in, Totally can't stand up without help!


googum said…
Most of my Total Justice figures still have putty on their feet to keep them standing. But they were the bomb when they came out...
Siskoid said…
Yeah, I seem to remember we hadn't gotten much more than Batmans in years.
De said…
I remember having to practically pose Aquaman as pelvic thrusting to get his figure to stand.
Siskoid said…
Aquaman is the only figure I have, so I feel your pain. He keeps being taunted by my Super-Powers Aquaman.
I used to have the Flash(wally) and GL(Kyle) figures myself. Yeah, they were alright for the time, but the extreme lack of articulation really did them in. I will say this about the TJ line, you got a Blue Beetle, Green Arrow's son Connor, and a Black Lighting figure before DC Direct or DCUC. The same goes for Dr.Polaris, even though he hasn't been made since.
Andrew said…
And then the line continued as the KB-exclusive (with one last line popping up at TRU for some reason) JLA line. Steel, Impulse, Supermen Blue, Red, and short-haired, even a Zauriel! Plus, someone at Hasbro learned their lesson, because these all came with stands.
Siskoid said…
Which still kinda made them posable statues.