Reign of the Supermen #215: Superman as Queen Victoria

Source: Oedipus in Disneyland: Queen Victoria's Reincarnation as Superman by Hercules Molloy, Paranoid Press (1972)
Type: AmalgamDo you know how hard it is to find a Superman that's suitable for both Amalgamondays AND Victoria Day? Well, the fine team at the SBG (that's me and a cat at present... and not to point fingers, but the cat didn't do much) has managed it! With probably the strangest item you'll ever find in Reign. The book's synopsis cribbed from the Internet goes like this:

"Clark Kent discovers the truth about Alice in Wonderland - it's actually Queen Victoria's pornographic autobiography - then he has an LSD freakout at Disneyland, becomes Queen Victoria, and kills all the Disney characters."

The book is apparently filled with repurposed art from the Alice books and clinical drawings of female body parts used as maps of Wonderland. I'm not judging author Hercules Malloy, because it seems to be a pen name, and no one know who he really is. I'm not judging Paranoid Press either, because this is their only publication. It's like the whole damn thing came from a parallel universe.

I'm only a serendipitous collector of rare books, and when I say rare books, I don't mean pricey first editions, I mean this kind of stuff. So perhaps one day it'll grace my shelves and I'll take it out to show friends, reverently, behind closed doors. In the meantime, have a repressed Victoria Day!


This actually looks like a very interesting read, of only to read Superman on a bad LSD trip and naked womens~
Jim Woodring said…
This is an absolutely great book! My copy has been read ragged.
Siskoid said…
If youy're THE Jim Woodring, I'm not surprised you'd have a copy.

Love your artwork.
Anonymous said…
I've owned this book for longer than I can remember and also have tried many times to try and figure out who the mysterious Hercules Molloy actually may have been.
At one point I believed the tome to be something of a hoax as envisioned by Paul Krassner. At some point in the late 1980's (or maybe early 90's) I actually wrote and asked if he indeed was the author. He not only said he didn't write it, but that he had never even heard of it. I mailed him my copy for a few weeks but even he had no clue where this volume had actually come from.
It's a twisted and wondrously paranoid piece somewhat reminiscent of the ultra paranoid ramblings of Wilson Bryan Key's weirdest works.
and hey, there's no such thing as a bad acid trip. some were simply more... er, interesting than others.