52 #1s in September? Alright then, here are 52 ideas for DC reboot series. Not really predictions, mind, just simple wish fulfillment. But let's first give DC its wishes:
1. Justice League by Geoff Johns and Jim Lee (lukewarm)
2. Aquaman by Geoff Johns and Ivan Reis (excited)
3. Hawkman by james Robinson and Philip Tan (optimistic)
4. Wonder Woman, possibly by Grant Morrison (I'll read anything the man writes)
5. Batgirl starring Barbara Gordon (I like Barbara a lot, but will miss Stephanie and Oracle)
6. Nightwing (ho-hum, that's a step back for the character... unless he's now Tim!)
7. Birds of Prey, not written by Gail Simone (not currently reading this, so whatever)
8. A book starring Superman, written by Grant Morrison (while All-Star was great, Morrison would be the type to go in a completely different direction this time - I'm going to say this is Action Comics; if so, Rags Morales has been rumored to be the artist)
9. Teen Titans by Fabian Niceza (I really want this to have the style and feel of Year One, or the Bob Haney era, but with Nicieza, that's not likely; might bode well for Tim's [Red?] Robin though)
10. Justice Society of America, not by Guggenheim (should be on Earth-2, and at least in part during the Golden Age - I'd love a split book that also looks at the older JSA and their dealing with legacy heroes like Power Girl and Huntress, though not Infinity Inc. - yuck!)
11. Green Lantern by Geoff Johns (business as usual)
12. Detective Comics (of course, hopefully still with Snyder)
13. Adventure Comics starring Deadman (yeah, ok)
14. Superman, possibly with George Perez' involvement (I hope it includes the art, maybe he can sell me on that new costume)
15. OMAC by Dan DiDio and Keith Giffen (love OMAC, we'll see if this team can make him work)
16. A multi-colored Lantern book (New Guardians? Ring Bearers? Ring Around Jim Lee's Collars?)
17. Legion Lost (hopefully not a reboot)
18. 1 of 3 Wildstorm titles incorporated into the DC Universe (Multiverse?), apparently Grifter
19. 2 of 3... let's say, The Authority?
20. 3 of 3... Gen13 or WildCATS? (in any case, I have ZERO interest in these)
Ok, now it's my turn, before more teasers are leaked:
21. Shazam!, taking place on Earth-S in the style of Jeff Smith's Monster Society book
22. Supergirl, more Cosmic Adventures in 9th Grade than what the current series offers
23. Batman is inevitable (and he'll be Bruce Wayne) - he's a flagship character who needs a good creative team this time
24. The Flash - I'd like him to be on a Silver Age Earth, but his Justice League membership precludes that
25. Green Arrow - as the guy from the Brave and the Bold cartoon
26. The original Freedom Fighters fighting Nazis on Earth-X
27. A noir book using the Charlton heroes and bringing them closer to their Watchmen counterparts
28. Batwoman, as long awaited
29. Some kind of team-up book, which will help sell the new DCU one character at a time (B&B?)
30. A war comic, either Sgt. Rock or something high concept but sustainable, like the Losers
31. A Fourth World book
32. Suicide Squad (and I'd love for the old team of Ostrander, McDonnell and Kesel to be on it)
33. Black Lightning, in the same style as his Year One mini-series
34. The Atom reinvented to be Ryan Choi from the word go
35. I don't like fantasy much, but I do want the new DC to have variety that can potentially attract different kinds of reader, so I'll spring for a revamped Amethyst here
36. Firestorm needs to have his story told (and let him be more black than white)
37. Martian Manhunter likewise, and if he's not in the Justice League, how about giving him a solo series?
38. Frankenstein
39. Saga of the Swamp Thing (the latter two to cover a supernatural/horror niche)
40. Western: We need one, but Jonah Hex is kinda played out. Therefore, I'm wishlisting a TEAM of western heroes à la Magnificent Seven
41. Wait, I don't have enough Batman titles, do I? I say Batman & Robin will survive, likely with Tim as Robin (I'll miss Damian hanging with Dick, though)
42. Hey, if we get an OMAC series, is it ridiculous to expect Kamandi to make it in as well?
43. I like Steel as much as the next guy, but replace him with Hardware and give the latter his own Iron Man-busting series
44. Superboy with a completely new, non-Reign origin, but he's still Connor
45. Mystery in Space, initially starring Adam Strange (I'm telling you, I'm taking "variety" seriously!
46. Time Masters - Rip and Booster could continue to be the only people who remember the old timeline, but there's nothing they can do about it! On with the time travel and Elseworlding then...
47. I don't mind Superman/Batman, but it really should be called World's Finest
48. A comedic Justice League International, though perhaps under a different title (how about Global Guardians?)
49. Challengers of the Unknown - it might even take place in the 50s
50. Who's Who in this new universe
51. Complete long shot: Animal Man!
52.The Outsiders
52. Ha! Just kidding! Jimmy Olsen (now THERE'S a good comic for Grant Morrison "starring Superman"!
Speaking from the gut here, I reserve the right to change my mind about any of these. What's YOUR wish list look like?

2. Aquaman by Geoff Johns and Ivan Reis (excited)
3. Hawkman by james Robinson and Philip Tan (optimistic)
4. Wonder Woman, possibly by Grant Morrison (I'll read anything the man writes)
5. Batgirl starring Barbara Gordon (I like Barbara a lot, but will miss Stephanie and Oracle)
6. Nightwing (ho-hum, that's a step back for the character... unless he's now Tim!)
7. Birds of Prey, not written by Gail Simone (not currently reading this, so whatever)
8. A book starring Superman, written by Grant Morrison (while All-Star was great, Morrison would be the type to go in a completely different direction this time - I'm going to say this is Action Comics; if so, Rags Morales has been rumored to be the artist)
9. Teen Titans by Fabian Niceza (I really want this to have the style and feel of Year One, or the Bob Haney era, but with Nicieza, that's not likely; might bode well for Tim's [Red?] Robin though)
10. Justice Society of America, not by Guggenheim (should be on Earth-2, and at least in part during the Golden Age - I'd love a split book that also looks at the older JSA and their dealing with legacy heroes like Power Girl and Huntress, though not Infinity Inc. - yuck!)
11. Green Lantern by Geoff Johns (business as usual)
12. Detective Comics (of course, hopefully still with Snyder)
13. Adventure Comics starring Deadman (yeah, ok)
14. Superman, possibly with George Perez' involvement (I hope it includes the art, maybe he can sell me on that new costume)
15. OMAC by Dan DiDio and Keith Giffen (love OMAC, we'll see if this team can make him work)
16. A multi-colored Lantern book (New Guardians? Ring Bearers? Ring Around Jim Lee's Collars?)
17. Legion Lost (hopefully not a reboot)
18. 1 of 3 Wildstorm titles incorporated into the DC Universe (Multiverse?), apparently Grifter
19. 2 of 3... let's say, The Authority?
20. 3 of 3... Gen13 or WildCATS? (in any case, I have ZERO interest in these)
Ok, now it's my turn, before more teasers are leaked:

22. Supergirl, more Cosmic Adventures in 9th Grade than what the current series offers
23. Batman is inevitable (and he'll be Bruce Wayne) - he's a flagship character who needs a good creative team this time
24. The Flash - I'd like him to be on a Silver Age Earth, but his Justice League membership precludes that
25. Green Arrow - as the guy from the Brave and the Bold cartoon
26. The original Freedom Fighters fighting Nazis on Earth-X
27. A noir book using the Charlton heroes and bringing them closer to their Watchmen counterparts
28. Batwoman, as long awaited
29. Some kind of team-up book, which will help sell the new DCU one character at a time (B&B?)
30. A war comic, either Sgt. Rock or something high concept but sustainable, like the Losers
31. A Fourth World book
32. Suicide Squad (and I'd love for the old team of Ostrander, McDonnell and Kesel to be on it)
33. Black Lightning, in the same style as his Year One mini-series
34. The Atom reinvented to be Ryan Choi from the word go
35. I don't like fantasy much, but I do want the new DC to have variety that can potentially attract different kinds of reader, so I'll spring for a revamped Amethyst here
36. Firestorm needs to have his story told (and let him be more black than white)
37. Martian Manhunter likewise, and if he's not in the Justice League, how about giving him a solo series?

39. Saga of the Swamp Thing (the latter two to cover a supernatural/horror niche)
40. Western: We need one, but Jonah Hex is kinda played out. Therefore, I'm wishlisting a TEAM of western heroes à la Magnificent Seven
41. Wait, I don't have enough Batman titles, do I? I say Batman & Robin will survive, likely with Tim as Robin (I'll miss Damian hanging with Dick, though)
42. Hey, if we get an OMAC series, is it ridiculous to expect Kamandi to make it in as well?
43. I like Steel as much as the next guy, but replace him with Hardware and give the latter his own Iron Man-busting series
44. Superboy with a completely new, non-Reign origin, but he's still Connor
45. Mystery in Space, initially starring Adam Strange (I'm telling you, I'm taking "variety" seriously!
46. Time Masters - Rip and Booster could continue to be the only people who remember the old timeline, but there's nothing they can do about it! On with the time travel and Elseworlding then...
47. I don't mind Superman/Batman, but it really should be called World's Finest
48. A comedic Justice League International, though perhaps under a different title (how about Global Guardians?)
49. Challengers of the Unknown - it might even take place in the 50s
50. Who's Who in this new universe
51. Complete long shot: Animal Man!
52. Ha! Just kidding! Jimmy Olsen (now THERE'S a good comic for Grant Morrison "starring Superman"!
Speaking from the gut here, I reserve the right to change my mind about any of these. What's YOUR wish list look like?
More likely, Paul Cornell on something that lets him indulge his Superhero Goodies side.
My Twitter tells the tale of my lukewarm response to the announced titles.
1) Amethyst, Princess of Gemworld.
2) I'll see your Jimmy Olsen and raise you Lois Lane. [Especially if the Superman/WW rumors are true and she's not Superman's Girlfriend on Earth-9. Lois Lane, Investigative Reporter.]
3) An 80's-set Detroit Justice League book, with as much of the cast as possible and probably a different name.
4) Zatanna
5) Seven Soldiers
6) Omega Men
7) World's Finest
8) Cyborg. If you want to make him a League A-lister, he really needs to be able to support two solo monthlies, but let's go for at least one here.
9) A new Shadowpact, with Jason Blood, Baron Winters, Swamp Thing, and Tracy 13 as the core members.
10) The Atom (Ryan Choi. Palmer can go on the Detroit team.)
Congo Bill, Rex Mason, Niles Caulder, and Rose Canton are...The Challengers of the Unknown.
Beyond some resurrections and a few bits of cleaned-up history, there's nothing that a reboot really needs to fix. Most of everything else is simply a matter of editors and writers more in line with my tastes. So my wish is for the reboot to go away.
Anon: I don't consider it necessary either, but since that ship has sailed...
And I agree that DC needs less of the grand gignol school of blood and guts, but look who's in charge. Again, ship's off the dock.
The Legion of Superheroes by Los. Bros. Hernandez
Shade the Changing Man by Daniel Clowes
The Inferior Five by Evan Dorkin
Plastic Man by Mike Allred
Slam Bradley by Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips
Challengers of the Unknown by Mark Evanier and Steve Rude
The Demon by Paul Pope
The Unknown Solider by Joe Sacco
Ultraa the Multi Alien by Scott Morse
Supergirl by Jessica Abel
Slam Bradley by Darwyn Cooke
Johnny Double by Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips
...there, I like that much better.
Almost every major character in the DC stable has been killed and resurrected, at least once. It's a problem. They live and work in a universe where it's commonplace for super heroes and villains to have died and returned to life.
Blackest Night / Brightest Day was almost a parody of this ... this syndrome or whatever it is, and it ended with ANOTHER dozen dead characters brought back to life.
There's a cumulative effect from about 15 years of this, that quietly sucks the drama out of every life-and-death situation, no?