Reign of the Supermen #253: Zibarro

Source: All-Star Superman #7-8 (2007)
Type: BizarroOne of Grant Morrison's genius All-Star Superman ideas is that of the Bizarro Bizarro, Zibarro. Thoughtful and introspective, his living nightmare is being the only normal person on Bizarro World, the only non-opposite member of a race of terminal opposites. And Superman doesn't even bring him along when he escapes. Poor, sad Zibarro. Somebody should really give him Bizarro Ambush Bug's address.

If you thought making a Bizarro of a Bizarro would create a Superman, you were wrong. Like a video tape or photocopy, as you keep making copies, you get further and further away from the source image. From Superman to Bizarro to Zibarro to Rizabbo... Zirrabo... Bozziro... Rozzibo...
...until you don't even know WHAT you're looking at!


Zibarro is also in keeping with a recurring ASS theme in that, while he is superficially similar to Superman, he showcases a personality flaw that Superman could/should possess but doesn't. It would make sense for Superman to bemoan the fact that no-one understands him, and how he feels so alone as a result (especially since ASS Superman is portrayed as being quite the super-genius), but he doesn't because, well, he's Superman, and grounded by his human side in a way that Zibarro is not.
Craig Oxbrow said…
I'd totally buy a comic about a monster-fighting storm of hexagons...
Siskoid said…
Then I've got a future in comics.