Doctor Who Series 6 Part 2 Trailer!

0:00 - Note the red carpeting. This is stuff from The God Complex, so any time we see red floors and gold walls, we know it's from the episode.
0:02 - Rory can ride a motorbike? Ooh, Sophie Aldred is gonna be so jealous!
0:04 - Ok, red floors and gold walls may also be from Let's Kill Hitler. Just look for the swastikas to know which is which.
0:07 - That's not Churchill is it?
0:08 - Greg! Will we finally discover the link between the TARDIS in The Lodger and the rest of the arc?
0:14 - "Something has happened to time"
0:15 - Hitler saved! That goes against everything we know about the title!
0:22 - One of the great joys of Doctor Who is the strange alien vistas.
0:23 - Another Star Trekky ship?
0:25 - Incoming!
0:26 - What's River doing NOW?! Oh such an enigma. The first thought that comes into my head is that she's just regenerated from being the eyepatch lady, which means she engineered her own kidnapping. Complicated space-time event indeed!
0:28 - Montage of enemies: Silents, Cybermen, Weeping Angels, creepy dolls, white robots, some kind of viking warrior with a big chin, minotaur from The God Complex.
0:34 - Breaking things montage
0:36 - Did Rory just punch out Hitler? Why isn't he your favorite companion yet?
0:37 - Amy sword fights with white robots. Awesome.
0:40 - Everybody's seeing Tennant there, but it really isn't. Only his sideburns.
0:44 - Cybermen really have to get that exploding head glitch fixed
0:45 - It was called Lake Silencio? Bit on the nose, isn't it?
0:52 - Masterful punchline!

Apparently, it all starts August 27th. At least that's what BBC America is announcing, and I should think that the UK will see them LATER.


Craig Oxbrow said…
If that happens, we are constitutionally allowed to destroy America in a fit of nerdrage.
Siskoid said…

So long as you don't touch Canada. Doctor Who is half-Canadian on his father's side, you know.
snell said…
My sources are telling me BBC Proper will also be showing it 8/27, so the Brits will get it a few hours before we do. And, given BBC America's propensity to skip holiday weekends. they'll probably take the next weekend off (Labor Day), so England will probably end up a week ahead of us again...
Siskoid said…
I get neither BBC America nor Space nor the BBC, so I download them the next day anyway.

Don't worry BBC, you always get my DVD money.
LiamKav said…
But not Blu-Ray money? Do you not want to see Matt "face made of elbows" in HD?
Siskoid said…
I don't have a blu-ray player and you know what? I'm fine with it. Sometimes High Def is just too highly defined.
Bill D. said…
Oh, how awesome would it be if those white robots were White Robots?
Eric TF Bat said…
Why isn't Rory my favourite companion? Oh, he is! Seven words: "Would you like me to repeat the question?"
Siskoid said…
Bill: I'm sure they aren't, well... Amy seems to be fighting in the white Void...

Eric: Indeed sir!
Did you see that?! You didn't comment so I don't know if you see that, but the place where the Doctor was killed is called "Lake Silencio"! Silencio is Spanish for Silence!
Siskoid said…
What is it with bodies of water and arc concepts? (i.e Bad Wolf Bay)