How Much Faith Does Marvel Have in Thor?

Not all that much, if we go by how many empty seats are in this frame showing Peter Parker and Betty Brant's movie night.And this is a FRIDAY! In 3D! And it's suggested it might be the OPENING WEEKEND!

Box office sales information from: Amazing Spider-Man #665 by Dan Slott, Ryan Stegman and Michael Babinski


Craig Oxbrow said…
Of course, in Marvel New York, if you want to see Thor you just have to wait for a rainy day. Still though, dang.
JDJarvis said…
artistic license. If all the other people were drawn in at that angle you wouldn't be able to see Peter Parker except for his glasses peering between the shoulders of two people in front of him. The fantasy is getting to watch the movie without a baseball cap in your way or someone's foot resting on the shoulder of your seat.
Siskoid said…
You won't get a No-Prize from me, Jarvis. There are ways to draw and color crowds without taking away from foreground characters.
JDJarvis said…
I admit it, I was politely saying: someone was lazy.
Siskoid said…
Or didn't think it through.
chiasaur11 said…

Everyone who isn't a cheap jerk is at the FOUR DEE showing, with RICHARDSVISION! 3d is for chumps.
Siskoid said…
Where's the Like button in moments like this?