Reign of the Supermen #257: Supermadman

Source: Superman/Madman: Hullabaloo #1-2 (1997)
Type: AmalgamIs there still juice in the Amalgamonday concept? There sure is! Consider the Mike Alred-penned mini-series that made friends of Superman and Madman. In the first issue, both characters find themselves at the same orbital coordinates, which makes them cross over to the other's universe. EXCEPT! They get scrambled like Tuvix and come out each with some of the other's features. Madman finds his way to Metropolis and discovers he has Superman's body and many of his powers. Jumping over tall buildings, telescopic vision, great strength and being able to (painfully) take bullets without them piercing his skin. Still, the best part of the experience?
Poor, sweet, naive Madman. You can't help but love him.

Next Amalgamonday... Madsuperman!
