Reign of the Supermen #264: Madsuperman

Source: Superman/Madman: Hullabaloo #1-2 (1997)
Type: AmalgamIf you were here last week, you saw what happened when Madman and Superman got their molecules scrambled going through an interdimensional anomaly. Or at least, you saw HALF of what happened. On the flip side of that coin, Superman found himself near Snap City with Madman's zombie body and much reduced powers. He soon got in touch with Madman's supporting cast and together, they found a way to walk back to the DC Universe. Once there, the scrambled heroes used the combined scientific wizardry of Doctor Flem and Professor Hamilton to reverse the scramble , allowing them to complete their crossover normally and defeat the mischievous evil of two worlds.

And now you know the REST of the story.
