Reign of the Supermen #272: Super-Pa

Source: Adventure Comics #224 (1956)
Type: Bonk bonk on the headSo one day in Smallville, Pa Kent is walking down the street and, attracted by colorful costumes on display at the tailor shop, walks in and sees...
So THAT'S what Superboy will look like when he's older! Wow! Pa doesn't have the heart to tell the tailor that his uniform's not made of indestructible thread and instead agrees to model the costume and strike poses the dummy can't for the camera.
Seeing as Pa is a dead ringer for Superman, why not? Or the tailor will Photoshop the head later. That's what I would do. Anyway, before the tailor can get to his camera, a freak thunderstorm develops and Pa is struck by lightning. Through what looks like about three floors. Maybe that's why he survived. Survived, yes, but he's gone a little loony. He now believes he's Superman. Now for some psychology, as it was apparently understood in 1956 (or the 1920s, depending on what you think the writer believes he's doing):
Take notes, people! You never know when a loved one will get hit by lightning and start thinking he has super-powers! YOU. NEVER. KNOW. And you gotta love a small town:

And there's lots to do. In that single Smallville day, there's a roof to be reshingled by flying it at superspeed, a fire to put out, a brakeless truck to stop, a guy to help move, wood to be chopped, and even an armed robbery to take care of!
And "Superman" does it all (except the wood chopping, that's Clark's chore). Superboy even goes so far as to build lightweight furniture from aluminum and balsa wood for his Pa to carry as if with "super-strength". That's sweet. Later that day, Pa confronts the townspeople and tells them he knew all along they knew his secret identity, but saying so would have ruined the fun. But he still thinks he's Superman and to prove it, he runs out in the street before Superboy can do anything and stops another out-of-control truck! And then he pulls the lightweight furniture out of the back and laughs and laughs and laughs...
At the house that night, Pa Kent explains that he came to his senses while moving furniture and decided to prank the town by continuing the pretense. And the non-balsa truck?
Great expression. The next time we wonder why Superboy or Superman is so fond of complicated hoaxes, we might refer back to this story. It's just how he was raised!

Pa Kent will return in ONE WEEK!


Martin Gray said…
Wonderful entry, I love that the old chap was so whimsical.

I can't wait for the strange return of Jonathan Kent next week!