Reign of the Supermen #280: Man of Steel Airlines

Source: Fury of Firestorm #57 (1987)
Type: ObjectIn the category "Superman is a great inspiration to younger heroes and I don't care if you don't agree", there's the time Ronnie Raymond, Firestorm, created a giant Superman sky sled to bring half his campus back to civilization after a good, clean detox session on an icy mountain top to save them from a lab-made toxin. Man of Steel Airlines - The only safe way to fly! And now...

The Top 5 Rejected Slogans for Man of Steel Airlines
5. "Nerves of Steel required!"
4. "Faster than a speeding bullet. But far, far deadlier."
3. "The last flight off Krypton - baby seating available!"
2. "Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound!"
1. "A division of LexCorp"

Address your own to the comments section.


Why DC and any airline company didn't take this ball and run with it I'll never know! Just imagine the money in creative and licensing deals alone!
Siskoid said…
The perfect venue to force people to watch the Green Lantern movie too!