Reign of the Supermen #296: Red Lantern Superboy-Prime

Source: Adventure Comics vol.2 #5 (2010)
Type: Alternate EarthRed is for...

Rage, as the Red Lanterns puke it
Getting your ass killed planet-side on the original Star Trek
A signal to make the Enterprise's bridge go WOOP WOOP WOOP
Attacker's dice in Risk
The best selling D&D box ever
Troubleshooter overalls kindly assigned to you by Friend Computer
A movie with Bruce Willis I didn't see
A movie with Irène Jacob I DID see and loved
Animal Man's answer to Swamp Thing's Green
Hot Chili Peppers
Bulls and Dogs and Light Districts and Moulins
A surprising amount of pretty girls' hair in comics


Craig Oxbrow said…
The Bruce Willis movie is a lot of fun, albeit rather different from the comic.
Anonymous said…
I attribute the surprising amount of pretty girls with red hair in comics to the existence of two characters: the Little Red-Haired Girl from Peanuts, and Mary Jane Watson. Women in comics are drawn as fantasy objects as often as not, and is there a more archetypal example of a unobtainable fantasy woman than the Little Red-Haired Girl? Mary Jane is similar but opposite: still a fantasy object, but as obtainable one. Her defining moment as a character is when she shows up and signals her availability to a guy widely viewed (in the context of his universe) as a hopeless nerd. This combination make may make redheads unusually appealing to comic book fans and hence comic book artists.

Of course, it may also just be because red hair is visually more interesting than most other hair colors.
Siskoid said…
Craig: Noted!

Jheaton: I attribute it to every girl in comics being essentially beautiful, and red being a distinctive color to distinguish between blonds, brunettes etc. So there's naturally a higher ratio of red heads per capita (even among the guys).
Kal said…
Why don't they put that rabid Superboy down for good. He is just a spoiled child who runs off on these tantrums and everyone treats him with kid gloves. Plus every single powerful weapon that he can misuse seems to find itself into his hands. Now it's a red power ring. Great. More fights in space. That's something I have never seen before. GAH!
Siskoid said…
I share your displeasure with the character, but Adventure Comics #4-5 is written as his final end and the story is surprisingly good. His stint as a Red Lantern lasts all of two pages and had a hallucinatory quality.

No space fights ensued.

And since Johns put him to bed himself, I think we can rest easy that he won't show up post-Flushpoint.
Siskoid said…
Oh wait, Krul just brought him back in Teen Titans, didn't he? Groan.