Reign of the Supermen #299: Hawkman Superman

Source: DC Comics Presents #74 (1984)
Type: The real deal (since retconned)Sometimes, all you need for an Amalgamonday is for Superman to get depowered, turn to a superhero who uses technology to give himself powers and go "Gimme."
As the highest ranking guy on any team, they MUST comply.

Now I'm hungry to see Superman use Blue Beetle's scarab, or Wonder Woman's lasso, or Ambush Bug's costume...


De said…
Wasn't this the story featuring Superman's uncle or some other member of the El clan?
Siskoid said…
Yes, his great-grandfather Var-El who had been appearing in DC Comics Presents intermittently through time travel and who finally sacrificed himself here.
Craig Oxbrow said…
Hawkman looks painfully sunburned on the cover. He really should cover up more.
Siskoid said…
In the 80s, we just didn't know about the dangers of UV like we do today.
chiasaur11 said…
He had Ambush Bug's powers once.

And Ambush Bug had his body.

Didn't go well for anyone.
Siskoid said…
Yes, that's in an upcoming Reign... good idea for an Amalgamonday in fact.