Reign of the Supermen #313: Superman Predator

Source: JLA versus Predator (2001)
Type: VillainJohn Ostrander, with Graham Nolan and Randy Elliott, crafts a crossover story that is way better than it has any right to be in JLA versus Predator. It's about the Dominators manipulating the DNA of a group of Predators to make them the perfect assassins to take down the Justice League. Each has an armor and powers themed to take on a member. After some trouble - and the Martian Manhunter getting his head cut off and put on a spike (good thing he can put his brain in his chest) - the JLA prevails by exchanging partners. Except Superman.

"You'll forgive me but I really am the only one suited to take on my Metapredator!"

Sometimes, just sometimes, Superman talks like he doesn't need to be in a team. Well... can't argue with results.
