Reign of the Supermen #314: Titano

Source: DC One Million 80-Page Giant #1 (1999) and Superman vol.2 #708 (2011)
Type: Alternate futureYour Superman Squad Member of the Week!

What's this? A regular feature inside a regular feature? Worlds within worlds, baby! Titano, the future Protector of Gorilla City carries not one, but two legacies on his broad shoulders. Superman's, of course, but also that of the giant ape with kryptonite vision he is named after. He is apparently the largest member able to walk into the Fortress of Solidarity, but some are even bigger. Gee, get them a big door, won't you?

Superheroes + Apes + Gigantism = What comics are all about


Chris Roberson said…
Sorry that I keep nitpicking, but my pedantic fanboy tendencies won't let me keep silent. This version of Titano actually first appeared in the DC ONE MILLION 80-PAGE GIANT in 1999, in a story entitled "Crisis One Million" that was written by Grant Morrison and drawn by Dusty Abell.
Siskoid said…
Consider me beaten. I've got to double check all the Squad stuff with the DC One Million stuff. Bad Siskoid. BAD!
Siskoid said…
Or was it a clever trap to get Chris Roberson to post on the blog again?
Siskoid said…
YOU decide, Gentle Reader.