In December of 2006, I started a blog in the style of Dave’s Long Box. I probably didn’t realize it would go on for years and by August 2011 have more than 3700 posts to its name. Then again, I never start anything that doesn’t have the potential to go on for years and take on a certain epic quality. If the project isn’t insane, it’s not for me. But I must have believed there was a chance I couldn’t blog every day because I immediately undertook the “2-year mission” of reviewing every Star Trek episode and film in chronological order (initially reprinting material I’d serialized on the STCCG boards). These would allow for at least one new post each day, even if I couldn’t provide new material because of time pressures. It happened from time to time, but my average sits somewhere between 2 and 3 posts a day!
Too much is like not enough though. I pity readers who are forced to wade through years of archives to find what they’re looking for. The complete Star Trek reviews in particular have a strong half-life, but are now a couple of years away. And in reverse order to boot (blogs scroll back through time). I thought of creating a website that would link to all articles in the proper categories and order, but that way lies hypertext madness. Did I really want to code all that? Forced to learn Microsoft Publisher for work provided an opportunity. Instead of linking to old material, why not use that material to craft something new?
The result is the first issue of a 'zine that collects the first month of the blog. Barely reread and updated, the material there is reprinted from December of 2006, and I do plan to continue these retro-archives at a rate of 15 days represented per issue. It might act as a precursor to a complete volume of the 2-Year Mission, who knows? Or it might be the first and last issue I do. My hope is that you’ll find this format useful and pleasant. And print-monkeys, don’t forget to set printers to 2-sided. Don’t waste more paper than you have to!
Too much is like not enough though. I pity readers who are forced to wade through years of archives to find what they’re looking for. The complete Star Trek reviews in particular have a strong half-life, but are now a couple of years away. And in reverse order to boot (blogs scroll back through time). I thought of creating a website that would link to all articles in the proper categories and order, but that way lies hypertext madness. Did I really want to code all that? Forced to learn Microsoft Publisher for work provided an opportunity. Instead of linking to old material, why not use that material to craft something new?
The result is the first issue of a 'zine that collects the first month of the blog. Barely reread and updated, the material there is reprinted from December of 2006, and I do plan to continue these retro-archives at a rate of 15 days represented per issue. It might act as a precursor to a complete volume of the 2-Year Mission, who knows? Or it might be the first and last issue I do. My hope is that you’ll find this format useful and pleasant. And print-monkeys, don’t forget to set printers to 2-sided. Don’t waste more paper than you have to!
I'm not much of a printer, but it makes me want to print it out and bind it. Imagine, a Siskoid bookshelf!
Thanks for the kind words!