Cat of the Geek #128: Speedy Cerviche

Name: Yattarō
Stomping Grounds: Samurai Pizza Cats
Side: Good
Breed: Animaloid
Cat Powers: Insures speedy pizza delivery service. Magical Ginzu sword, whose power is unleashed in almost every episode as Speedy's special attack, the Cat's Eye Slash.
Skills: Eat 4, Sleep 2, Mischief 4, Wit 6, Finishing move 6
Cat Weaknesses: Easily irritated. Slacker. Frying pans upside the head.


Kandou Erik said…
My first website was a Pizzacats Fanfiction site! I wish I still had those episodes, even on VHS.
Siskoid said…
Then you'll like the next two weeks as well, Erik.