Source: Flashpoint #3 and 5, Project: Superman #1-3 (2011)
Type: Alternate history
In the recently deceased Flashpoint timeline, baby Kal-El's ship crashed right on top of Metropolis, devastating the city. He was immediately captured and contained by armed forces and placed in the "care" of General Lane at Project: Superman and raised far underground, away from the sun. He still got to play with Krypto (until the dog was dissected) and still met General Lane's daughter, Lois (this time, as a child), but let's just say he's had better lives. And better chest emblems. Yeech! Not that Flashpoint is coherent in its portrayal of the FP Superman logo. Above is how Gene Ha portrays it in the mini-series, and as you can see from the upper left-hand corner, it's the "official" logo. However, in the core Flashpoint series, Andy Kubert draws it with an elongated "S".
So which is it supposed to be? I'm afraid that now we'll never know!!! Stranger still is that they use the Kryptonian "El" shield on the prison door.
What the hell? Where'd they get it from and why isn't it on their Subjects' shirts? And here I thought the FP universe had the cold logic of an Alan Moore grim-a-thon.
Though very different from the Superman we all know and love (RIP 1938-2011), Ha nevertheless linked him to his past in a couple of tribute images. The thin boy is still a man of Action:
And in the death throes of the universe, he's once again left holding the body of a woman, tears streaming down his face.
Lois, in case you were wondering where she'd disappeared to at the end of the disappointingly low-Lois-content Lois Lane and the Resistance.
And so I say goodbye to the only Superman that has my build (well, I'm still being generous to myself). We hardly knew ye (mostly because once your story intersected with the main plot, you promptly ran off for an issue and a half).
Type: Alternate history

Though very different from the Superman we all know and love (RIP 1938-2011), Ha nevertheless linked him to his past in a couple of tribute images. The thin boy is still a man of Action:

And so I say goodbye to the only Superman that has my build (well, I'm still being generous to myself). We hardly knew ye (mostly because once your story intersected with the main plot, you promptly ran off for an issue and a half).