Source: Super-Friends' "Universe of Evil" (1979)
Type: TV/Alternate Earth
The Super-Friends' flirtation with what we might call Earth-3, "Universe of Evil" featured the Super-Enemies, evil counterparts of the not evil Super-Friends. How do we know they're evil? Well, aside from busting dams and making Mount Vesuvius erupt AGAIN, there's the pasty complexion. Because pale people are clearly EVIL. Was this Superman rocketed to Earth as a baby VAMPIRE, or WHAT? Aquaman with an eyepatch? Make-upless Wonder Woman? Robin with a creepy French mustache? Batman in an ORANGE SUIT?
But nothing compares to the terrifying, nightmare that is... EVIL GLEEK!
I'm not gonna sleep well tonight.
Type: TV/Alternate Earth

But nothing compares to the terrifying, nightmare that is... EVIL GLEEK!
