Source: Superman IV: The Quest for Peace (1987)
Type: Film/Clone
So I was 16, I guess, when I went to see Superman IV with the whole family. The high point was when my little half-sister (she was no more than 6) shouted out "Suuuu-per-MAN!" the first time Christopher Reeve flew by. I'm sorry that everyone couldn't get that when watching the film, because without it, there really is no redeeming value. It's a stupid, illogical mess, and chief among its problems is its antagonist, Nuclear Man.
Nuclear Man was cloned by Lex Luthor from one of Superman's hairs. Or hopefully its follicle. Thing is, Superman's clone looks NOTHING like Superman, has different powers, and acts like a blasted robot the way he shuts down when he's not in direct sunlight (probably why I keep calling him Solar Man by mistake, although that chest emblem is also responsible). But maybe Lex made a mistake. I mean, he strapped Superman's DNA to a nuclear missile. Maybe it would have all worked out if Superman hadn't thrown that missile into the sun. Right? RIGHT?
A deleted scene would have shown Lex's first attempt at a Nuclear Man, who doesn't look anything like Superman either, but at least could pass himself off as a Bizarro.
Yes, there's actually MORE of Superman IV out there. Aren't you glad?
In the end, Earth was saved from the menace of the Nuclear Man by Superman pushing the moon to create an eclipse. Me? I would just have lured him into a windowless room where I'd installed the Clapper. Not as dramatic, sure, but none of those tidal wave side-effects either.
Type: Film/Clone

Nuclear Man was cloned by Lex Luthor from one of Superman's hairs. Or hopefully its follicle. Thing is, Superman's clone looks NOTHING like Superman, has different powers, and acts like a blasted robot the way he shuts down when he's not in direct sunlight (probably why I keep calling him Solar Man by mistake, although that chest emblem is also responsible). But maybe Lex made a mistake. I mean, he strapped Superman's DNA to a nuclear missile. Maybe it would have all worked out if Superman hadn't thrown that missile into the sun. Right? RIGHT?
A deleted scene would have shown Lex's first attempt at a Nuclear Man, who doesn't look anything like Superman either, but at least could pass himself off as a Bizarro.

In the end, Earth was saved from the menace of the Nuclear Man by Superman pushing the moon to create an eclipse. Me? I would just have lured him into a windowless room where I'd installed the Clapper. Not as dramatic, sure, but none of those tidal wave side-effects either.