Reign of the Supermen #331: Seymour

Source: Booster Gold vol.1 #18 (1987)
Type: RobotI promise I'll do a proper series of Superman robot posts, but here's one I've always liked: Booster Gold's training robot Seymour, a walking lawsuit that better not get his ass seen by the Siegel Estate. I love that (early) Booster would spar against a Superman-themed robot. I love that his first thought is still copyright law. I love that he perceives Booster's agent Dirk as an enemy (was it an early clue, or is it just, you know, AGENTS). And I love that the reason we never saw Seymour again is this:


Jeff R. said…
So does that mean you're officially going to keep this feature going beyond the year? (Because there's not much time for a Superman Robot week left otherwise). Good news if so; I'm sure you can make it to #1000 easy
Siskoid said…
Beyond the robots (which I can probably do in two lots, pre-Crisis and post-Crisis, maybe even this weekend), there are a lot of important Supermen I haven't touched, and I've got barely a month left on the year. Yes, that means I'll have to go beyond...
Jeff R. said…
There's also the Suprematrons (including the one unique one), and I'm sure that Supreme wasn't the only Supermanque to have robots associated...
Delta said…
Trademark law, dammit!
Siskoid said…
Supreme is still on my to-do list, but I want to read the Alan Moore run first. A lot of these Supermen are waiting on my laziness!
Matthew Turnage said…
I first read the Alan Moore Supreme run when a friend gave me the trades last year. I think you'll enjoy it. I look forward to reading your take when you get to it.
SallyP said…
Awww....I miss Booster's shiny shiny gold pants.
Siskoid said…
I miss his costume, period.