Source: 1st - JLA #23 (1998)
Type: Alternate future
Faster than a speeding tachyon, more powerful than a collapsing star, and able to leap between planets in a single bound... It's your Superman Squad member of the week! Kal Kent, the Superman of the 853rd century! Kal's agreed to join us today and tell us about the far future, in his own words.
"Hi, gentle SBG readers. Someday you too will live in the future - maybe even as soon as tomorrow - so it's important to be ready (Captain Jack told me that, and he was right). By my time, it's lucky I have super-brainspeed, because Siskoid's Blog of Geekery has billions of posts (even though he died in the 21st century - wow, what a lot number, just looking at it makes me head swim). But you don't have to worry about that. I know you want to know about your favorite medium: COMICS! You live in uncertain times, on the cusp of world-altering change. Well, I can't spoil you TOO much without making the timeline collapse, but I can slip a FEW nuggets under Ms. Monitor's nose.
As you know, I'm a member of Justice Legion A, and if that sounds like an Amalgam of 2 or 3 teams, it's because it is.
In the future, the only way to create new ideas is to combine the crap out of every comic book concept available, and all comics companies are merged in order to do so (how else do you explain our call to arms? Or the fact we appear to have more than one?). This became even easier when comics stopped being digital and went entirely Headnet. "Readers" (to use your quaint word for it) would just pick what elements they liked (or select "random") and the fictions would be created for them. No reader had the same experience as any other, and soon, general laziness set in and Headnet started making some of these combinations available to the public. Justice Legion A, B, C, right up to ZZZZZ and beyond are all available on their own channel. Here in the 853rd century, there's what will be a brief flirtation with nostalgia thanks to the discovery of a galaxy where every planet was forested, but by now, imagination is a thing of the past, and those comics tend to be rather repetitive.
Nothing like the comics you read now, thankfully! Oh you wanted to know a little something about future history? Let me just say then that if the far future isn't exactly an era of peace (it's got superheroes, after all), it IS an era of LOVE. Yes, we finally got down and learned to love the Rocket Red.
My expressions may or may not translate well. Anywho, that's all I was really allowed to reveal about your future. I hope you found it a message of hope (at the very least, it means your hedonistic culture survives). My thanks to Siskoid to whom I will say - Beware the Ides of March - and I'll see you in the Funny Headnet."
Siskoid's Blog of Geekery would like to thank Kal Kent for his time, and yes that's a sort of joke.
Type: Alternate future

"Hi, gentle SBG readers. Someday you too will live in the future - maybe even as soon as tomorrow - so it's important to be ready (Captain Jack told me that, and he was right). By my time, it's lucky I have super-brainspeed, because Siskoid's Blog of Geekery has billions of posts (even though he died in the 21st century - wow, what a lot number, just looking at it makes me head swim). But you don't have to worry about that. I know you want to know about your favorite medium: COMICS! You live in uncertain times, on the cusp of world-altering change. Well, I can't spoil you TOO much without making the timeline collapse, but I can slip a FEW nuggets under Ms. Monitor's nose.
As you know, I'm a member of Justice Legion A, and if that sounds like an Amalgam of 2 or 3 teams, it's because it is.

Siskoid's Blog of Geekery would like to thank Kal Kent for his time, and yes that's a sort of joke.