Source: Elseworlds 80-Page Giant #1 (1999)
Type: Elseworlds
Was this Earth ever part of the 52?
Imagine the DC Universe as the music industry. Lex Luthor started out buying the rights to the swing classics of the All-Stars and the jazz recordings of the Blackhawks, before discovering the Heroes and becoming the most powerful man in popular music. Clark, Ollie, Barry and Arthur were the Beatles of Earth-Whatever, with Clark in the Lennon role. After the band broke up because he wanted to do more experimental stuff with the much-hated (one assumes) Lois Lane, Lex's attempts at getting the band back together again resulted in, what else, the death of Clark. Is it a coincidence that rock god Doomsday's star rose just after that? Did Doomsday perhaps have a thing for Catcher in the Rye?
Teen bands like the Titans, the emo stylings of Bruce Wayne, and divas like Princess Diana now dominate the charts. Or have they all been relaunched through aggressive mp3 sales?
Type: Elseworlds

Imagine the DC Universe as the music industry. Lex Luthor started out buying the rights to the swing classics of the All-Stars and the jazz recordings of the Blackhawks, before discovering the Heroes and becoming the most powerful man in popular music. Clark, Ollie, Barry and Arthur were the Beatles of Earth-Whatever, with Clark in the Lennon role. After the band broke up because he wanted to do more experimental stuff with the much-hated (one assumes) Lois Lane, Lex's attempts at getting the band back together again resulted in, what else, the death of Clark. Is it a coincidence that rock god Doomsday's star rose just after that? Did Doomsday perhaps have a thing for Catcher in the Rye?
Teen bands like the Titans, the emo stylings of Bruce Wayne, and divas like Princess Diana now dominate the charts. Or have they all been relaunched through aggressive mp3 sales?
Maybe a pop-video section? No?
After a few years, the channel becomes all reality tv like watching the Robins live in the same appartment and stuff.
Do you know where I can catch DMT, as I don't think my current cable provider offers that channel?
I guess I'll have to use my new Kirby bombastic converter box to siphon the signal coming from the Source.
And not the cool Parademons either. Those creepy, overdrawn, insect things from the new DCU.
By the way, have you checked out the Boom Tube? They have some awesome porn that gets signaled in from New Genesis. Where else can you get nude images of "That's why they call her Big" Barda, or even "Really" Beautiful Dreamer?
I'm not even going to describe the awesomeness of the Female Furries...'cause furry is the word.
Thank the High-Father for this modern age!
I guess my question is, do you own these books? I know readers have sent in a few suggestions, buta few of these Reigns, well, its like you went to Earth-14 to get them.
I thought I knew all of the Superman Elseworlds, so a few you've posted in the Reign I would place on Earth-14, in that I didn't have a clue.