Al, Who Am I?

I've thought of another connection between my life and Scott Bakula that I really should have put in the Intersect article last week, because we're a week away from Halloween and it's a Halloween story.One of my favorite Halloween "costumes" of all time was to dress up as myself from 3 years prior (very easy to do since I don't change my wardrobe much) and talk to my imaginary friend Al all night. I was Sam Beckett who'd Quantum Leaped into me at that time to prevent an improv tournament from being ruined by a certain nemesis of mine.

Obscure? Kind of. Meta? Yeah, that's definitely how I roll.

Next week? The party's theme is villains and I have (as usual) no costume. I thought about going as myself, but I'm just not evil enough. Maybe I can pull off the Evil Leaper.


JDJarvis said…
Get an black goatee ...bam...instant evil you just like evil spock.
Siskoid said…
Martin: Wait, is Sam in YOU right this minute?

Jarvis: That may just be brilliant.