Cat of the Geek #131: The Cat

Name: The Cat (aliases include Duke of Dork and Duane Dibbley)
Stomping Grounds: Red Dwarf (tv)
Side: Good
Breed: Felis sapiens
Cat Powers: Style, baby! Spray can to mark territory with. Smell phenomena in space. Skilled pilot.
Skills: Eat 8, Sleep 5, Mischief 7, Wit 5, James Brown 7
Cat Weaknesses: Vanity. The Dog. That science mumbo-jumbo.


Toby'c said…
I think my favourate Cat moments would have to be the times when he suggests some plan with "just two small drawbacks".
LiamKav said…
It's also quite interesting how he changed over the course of the show. In series 1 he could barely be bothered to talk to anyone, and you suspect he didn't even know Lister and Rimmer's names. It was only in series 3 that he really became Lister's friend, and only in series 6 that he became genuinly useful.

But yeah. "One: we don't have any defensive shields, and two: we don't have any defensive shields. Now, I realise that's technically only one drawback but I thought it was such a big one that it was worth mentioning twice."