Reign of the Supermen #356: Clark Kent Booth, Metallo

Source: Elseworlds 80-Page Giant #1 (1999)
Type: ElseworldsOne of the brilliant things about the mostly pulped Elseworlds 80-Page Giant is the collection of fake covers acting as crazy one-panel Elseworlds. Superman scores only one (above, click for a bigger image), but it's a doozy in which baby Kal-El is flung through time as well as space and adopted by the Booth family. It's a good thing President Lincoln is also Brainiac because that'd be all kinds of wrong!


Carl Walker said…
You know they're finally releasing it on November 30 right? Apologies if you already mentioned it. Here's the link:
Siskoid said…
I didn't know, but that's cool.

I mean, the offending microwaved superbaby strip was published elsewhere already.