Reign of the Supermen #360: Super-Turtle

Source: 1st - Adventure Comics #304 (1963)
Type: SpoofFrom various wikis: "On the world Galapagon, the scientist Shh-Ell of an advanced race of turtles realized that their planet was doomed, and convinced the Science Council that they should build 1,000 spaceships to evacuate it. Slow by nature, the turtles only managed to build one spaceship, in which Shh-Ell's infant son, Tur-Tel was sent to Earth. Found by a kindly homespun farming couple, the turtle grew up and gained super-powers, becoming Super-Turtle, the Reptile of Steel. "

I, of course, was too young to ever see the original Super-Turtle one-pagers running through DC Comics as published, so my first encounter with the Tortoise of Tomorrow was in Ambush Bug #3, which decried his absence from the DCU and attacked continuity cop Jonni DC for making a very special turtle soup. Someone must've heard Ambush Bug's cries, because Super-Turtle did return in the 2000s, most notably in two new one-pagers in the Silver Age specials, and then in Ambush Bug Year None #3 where he'd gone all Prime and stuff.
But I don't want to leave you with an image of rolling head of Pantha-slinging Super-Turtle, so have Turtle's very first strip:
I never guaranteed you'd find it funny.


d said…
Has there ever been a Super Turtle/ Hoppy The Marvel Bunny X-Over? If not, can we get Roy Thomas to write one?
Siskoid said…
There has not.

But feel free to read the Tortoise and the Hare as if it were one.
I always wanted Super-Turtle to help Casey the Cop find the guy who robbed Cap of Cap's Hobby Hints.