Reign of the Supermen #365: Superman Secundus and Superman's Legacy

Source: Superman: The Man of Tomorrow #1,000,000 (1998)
Type: Alternate Future365 days of Reign. We made it to a full year of Reigning. So, what have we learned? Well, definitely that this feature could go on for a long time indeed. And it will. I've talked about the possibility of changing the Blog of Geekery's daily feature to a Doctor Who review, and it looks like I'll go ahead with that. When? November 23rd - Doctor Who's anniversary - looks about right. That leaves around 35 days of daily Superman before Reign goes weekly instead. Like I said, it's not that I'm running out of Supermen, not at all, but I do need a change of pace and something a little more structured to fit into my schedule. With chronological tv episode reviews, you always know what's next, but with Reign, even figuring which Supermen I have time to research each week can be a challenge.

But enough of that! What's today's Superman? Well, I thought it could be nice to celebrate by posting a NUMBER of Supermen, most of them little-known, but all part of Superman's family line as defined in DC One Million. That story tells of how Superman eventually left Earth, but not defenseless. His heir, Superman Secundus, with his Kingdom Commie "S", reportedly availed himself well against (I'm sure, amongst others) Solaris the evil star. The Superman of the 25th century also fought Solaris. His costume has wrist and ankle bands inspired by the clone Superboy's original look.
There was always a son or daughter of El to man the fort, as it were, even if fashions changed, often for the worst.
It was in the 67th century that an El married Gzntplzk, Queen of the 5th Dimension, introducing 10 new sensory powers on the lineage.
The Superman of the 250th century, as Deputy Superhunter, ended the Bizarro scourge that almost destroyed humanity. He had a Santa Claus cape!
In the 364th century, Solaris tried to destroy the reigning Superman, but his plan backfired and conferred quantum powers on the El family line!
The Superman of the 505th century (seen here with some nice oven mitts), fighting Solaris' skin cancer plague, gave his life, but not before pacifying the artificial sun and turning it into humanity's servitor.
Solaris became an ally of the next Superman, actually serving in the Justice League of the Atom with him.
The good fight continued. Look, with blue gloves!
On and on it went. Even on bad hair days!
Sometime during "dark millennia" when the peoples of the universe were more paranoid than usual, Solaris founded the Pancosmoc Justice Jihad and a Superman joined for a while.
At the turn of the 700th century, the original Superman returned and met up with the current Superman, which we've seen before as the DC One Million Superman (853rd century... these dudes are long-lived!). We basically rejoin explored continuity from that point on.

Well, the continuity that doesn't exist anymore...


SallyP said…
Man, that's a crapload of nonexistant Supermen then!
Siskoid said…
They've been flushed like so many goldfish!
Martin Gray said…
I'll miss the Reign, but what a lot of memories you've stirred. I'm jealous of 'Kingdom Commie'!
Siskoid said…
I'm glad it worked for you! Still a month to go and then you can drop to weekly visits.
waarschuwing said…
I first came here a few months ago, as a serendipity to looking for anything about the Doom Patrol. After enjoying reading everything tagged as Doom Patrol and after that, anything tagged Grant Morrison, I started reading the dailies. Great stuff about silver age hoaxes, science gone comic and loads of stories I’ve never even heard of. Reign of the Siskos.

There’s other stuff on this blog as welll, which I would find equally as entertaining if , at the age of 10, I would have watched Doctor Who. Which I didn’t.

In the coming weeks I’ll be timetravelling to my ten year old self to give him the means to watch Doctor Who. In between doing that I’ll still be checking in every three days. Just to have some fun reading essential non-essentials. After that (again): will look for tag Who.
Siskoid said…
Very kind praise, waarschuwing! Thanks!