Cat of the Geek #137: Nyan Cat

Name: Pop Tart Cat
Stomping Grounds: Internet meme
Side: Pure evil
Breed: Cherry
Cat Powers: Flying through space on a rainbow trail. A delicious pastry body.
Skills: Eat 0, Sleep 0, Mischief 6, Wit 2, Going viral 9
Cat Weaknesses: The song Nyanyanyanyanyanyanya. It will drive you mad. Note how I have not included the video. You may thank me in the Comments section.

And that's a show-stopper if ever there was one. This will be the last WEEKLY Cat of the Geek, as the Saturday morning spot is given over to Reign of the Supermen starting next week, in turn allowing Reign to be replaced by daily doses of Doctor Who. Since there are still plenty of cats in the sea (uhm...), Cat of the Geek will pop up from time to time, pouncing on your foot when you least expect it. Stay strong, cat lovers!


Anonymous said…
The smooth jazz version is kind of all right:
idiotbrigade said…
plenty of catFISH in the sea.

Come on now.
Anonymous said…
No Bubastis? From Watchmen? C'mon, that's a huge gap for a genetically engineered cat.
Siskoid said…
There are plenty more. I just needed the space. Cats of the geek will return occasionally.