Doctor Who for Christmas

Last year, Moffat gave us perhaps the best Doctor Who story of the New Series (at least, the best stand alone story). It was based on the Dickens classic, A Christmas Carol. This year, it looks like he's doing The Chronicles of Narnia, specifically, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. Given the natural similarities between the TARDIS and the Wardrobe, it's almost crazy no one thought of doing that before. Are we to understand a good deal of the story occurs inside the TARDIS? That would really bring it closer to the way it was portrayed in the Virgin books, where it could hold any environment. And Bill Bailey guest-stars? Awesome!

I just can't wait for The Doctor, the Widow, and the Wardrobe!

And what it'll be next year? The Little Match Girl? The Grinch Who Stole Christmas? Home Alone...?


Craig Oxbrow said…
Well, almost no-one. Doctor Who Magazine's comic last year, "The Professor, The Bookshop And The Queen" ended with the Doctor and Amy discussing the idea with the Inklings...
Jeff R. said…
Obviously, it needs to be the best Christmas Movie Ever: Die Hard.

(Except that, isn't next years's season going to straddle the holiday anyway? Maybe a Christmas in July special, then. Or an Olympic Special in which Eleven crosses into "Fear Her" and turns it into an actually good episode...)
Siskoid said…
Two great ideas there, Jeff.
Anonymous said…
"Santa Claus Conquers the Martians"? Lots of Ice Warriors, I am thinking.
Siskoid said…
I've been hungry for Ice Warriors since Series 3!
Toby'c said…
Seeing as Die Hard's already been suggested... It's A Wonderful Life could work, though maybe not so soon after A Christmas Carol. Or a horror movie like Silent Night, Deadly Night or Jack Frost?