Learning to Fly - Position 10: The Disembodied Head

Being a series of vignettes aimed at educating the super-powered reader about the various possible permutations of the flight posture.This one isn't for everybody.

In fact, you might need to have extreme shape-shifting abilities. Or be a spaceship. Or maybe even a sentient planet. Or perhaps make a really crazy sacrifice. But if you've got what it takes, there's nothing quite like the look on your enemies' faces when they see YOUR face (and ONLY your face) turn the corner. Great for getting into tight spots your shoulders can't (unless you're a planet, of course), and maneuverability tends to be pretty high.

Variations include straight up telekinetic (preferred) or the "Metamorpho" with exhaust comin' out of your head-ass.


Accursed Interloper said…
R.H.O.Pantha needs to learn that trick. Then she could team up with ... um, Alpha Lantern Chaselon or ... hm. Never mind.
Siskoid said…
Head Team-Up would be a fairly limited title, but how about the Doom Patrol's Chief back when he was in an ice tray (end of Morrison run)?
Accursed Interloper said…
But villain would be worthy to challenge such a team? Modok works for the wrong company; who does that leave?
Siskoid said…
I wouldn't waste my crossover for MODOK, not when we could get the license to Madballs!

Strictly DCU however, gotta be Egg Fu.