Reign of the Supermen #402: Supertree

Source: International Paper Company ad (1967)
Type: ObjectClick on the image to get a closer look. Sleestak from Lady, That's My Skull (give him some blog love) sent me this ad from a late 60s edition of Life Magazine. It's worth the read. The 1960s pulp and paper lobby was actually proud of producing more chemical by-products! As someone who grew up in a pulp'n'paper town, I can now sleep more soundly knowing that the yellow stuff being pumped into the river right next to my school was DC Comics and Superman-approved!

And now, just to make this post longer, the Top 5 Things I Don't Miss About Living in a Pulp'n'Paper Town...
#5... Never being able to ask who farted, because clearly, the mill did.
#4... Cars with acid rain-chipped paint jobs.
#3... The very real chance the river water would flood the valley, yellow foam and all.
#2... Goons with 8th grade educations lording it over the entire town because they were the economy.
And the #1 Thing I Don't Miss About Living in a Pulp'n'Paper Town... Damn Supertrees changing in the town's only phone booth! [Imagine Paul Shaffer Band playing here]

Oh, and that's right kids, less than 2 days left to send in your answers to the Reign 400 contest posted last Monday!


SallyP said…
Ahhh...a paper mill town. Gosh, that brings me back. For a couple of hellish years in my youth, we lived in Panama City, Florida, where there were acres and acres and acres of trees grown to be pulped. The smell...the smell was indescribable.