Kung Fu Friday Moments: Iron Fist vs. the New 52

DC ruined Iron Fist's favorite comics.

Shot across the bow from this week's Defenders #4 by Matt Fraction and Michael Lark.


Trey said…
If so, it doesn't make a whole lot of sense. DC comics were hardly light and funny before the advent of the New 52.
Siskoid said…
Look at all those white borders around panels. No bleed. They're likely older comics... THAT HAVE BEEN REBOOTED OH NOOESS!!!
SallyP said…
So Iron Fist prefers DC to Marvel?
Siskoid said…
I was gonna say there were likely no Marvel Comics IN the MU, but we know different, don't we? Stan, Jack and many others have appeared as characters in their own stories!
LiamKav said…
Hasn't it been stated a few times that there's an official Fantastic Four comic in the MU, endorsed by the FF themselves?

Maybe Iron Fist just hates Reed and doesn't want to give him any money?
Siskoid said…
The reality punch that caused IF's comics to change must've turned his Tiny Titans into (gulp) Teen Titans!