Season finale! It's a big day: Free Comic Book Day, Cinco de Mayo, Avengers weekend (only going tomorrow, so I can't talk about it), and May the 4th (be with you) thankfully behind us. So I try to touch on it all, but since it IS the show's finale, I've decided on an apocalyptic theme with lots of tunes about the end of the world. All good things... If you couldn't listen or understand my French, I supply the episode's playlist, with You-Tube links where available.
Intro tune: Doctor Who IX - Murray Gold
May Day - Kermess
Geek News: This week's headlines include FCBD releases, Star Trek 2 tidbits, and the disastrous 3D Avengers screening
Spider-Man - The Ramones
Comics round-up: Basically a few of the week's tweeted comic book reviews, including DC's second wave comics
It's the End of the World as We Know It - R.E.M.
Feature: 7 Apocalyptic and Postapocalyptic Works to Look at
Mad Max/Road Warrior
Y the Last Man
The Road
This is the Way the World Ends (James K. Morrow)
Paranoia RPG
Dr. Strangelove
Donny Darko
Mad World - Gary Jules
Film recommendation: El Mariachi
Cansion del Mariachi - Los Lobos and Antonio Banderas
Geek Band: Childish Gambino
Freaks and Geeks - Childish Gambino
Not Going Back - Childish Gambino
The Truth (Goth Star) - Childish Gambino
C'est pas la fin du monde - La Chango Family
Geek 101: A few tips in case of a Zombie Apocalypse
Zombie Apocalypse - Kirby Krackle
C'est la fin - Gwenwed
In the Year 2525 - Zager and Evans
Après moi, l'Apocalypse - Basta
Goodbyes and your Doctor Who theme of the week:
Doctor Floyd - N.Eric Phillips and the Left Coast Cosmic Orchestra
Will the show return in September? We'll see.