One of the pleasures of James Robinson's Earth-2 series is all the little references to Golden Age characters and concepts that seem to hint or promise that more Golden Agers will show up, re-invented for a new century. Just look at this establishing shot of New York in ish #2 (click for a bigger look):While the issue is principally about the Flash (Jay Garrick) and Green Lantern (Alan Scott), the above scene makes some neat references to others (in addition to cute refs like All-Star Shop and Fox Way). TylerChem has apparently acquired WayneTech in the wake of Batman's death. TylerChem is, of course, the pharmaceutical company founded by Rick Tyler, AKA Hour Man, whose Miraclo drug gives him a one-hour burst of power. And what of that boxing match? That's Ted Grant (AKA Wildcat) vs. "Mauler" Montez, the father of Yolanda Montez, who in the previous continuity became the second Wildcat. See how that works out?
And of course, in the corner of the image you have the New52's Mr. Terrific who has just been wormholed to Earth-2 and soon meets one Terry Sloan, just one letter away from the Golden Age Mr. Terrific, Terry Sloane. He's THIS world's smartest man and not very nice, definitely more Ozymandias than "Fair Play". Ah well, can't win 'em all.
And of course, in the corner of the image you have the New52's Mr. Terrific who has just been wormholed to Earth-2 and soon meets one Terry Sloan, just one letter away from the Golden Age Mr. Terrific, Terry Sloane. He's THIS world's smartest man and not very nice, definitely more Ozymandias than "Fair Play". Ah well, can't win 'em all.
What I like is that Robinson has used the five year mark in the same manner used after JL's battle with Darkseid. It really keeps the parallel thing going.
It's striking me how well-suited he is to this series because he's essentially the Roy Thomas of his generation. Like Roy, he has a deep love for old, discarded characters and the comics universe's history. His Superman was filled with characters from First Issue Special, and of course, Starman very much played on that theme.
I am now going to use sh'yeah in a sentence.
I'll have to reread them to see if it holds up.