K-Pop Vs. Acadie Rap

There's something about Asia... My Kung Fu Fridays crowd started doing a Saturday event called "K-Pop & Coconut Rum" which is exactly what it sounds like - watching absurd Korean pop music videos and drinking coconut rum all evening long, with maybe a break to read some terrible fan fiction or watch an 80s horror movie. I've been a couple times and thoroughly enjoyed it, I must confess, and I'm trying to weaponize the concept into a party theme at the college bar sometime this year.

And in honor of Doctor Who going through the looking glass in my other post today, I also have to admit I have these thoughts that at the other end of the world, there are some Korean co-eds spending their Saturday nights listening to Acadian rap (the videos are just as insane) and drinking (rolls on Local Spirits Table) Miramichi Magic. Here then is a view across both sides of the mirror, contrasting our favorite K-pop songs and Radio Radio (all other Acadian rap endeavors chill me to the bone) videos. Enjoy the surrealism.

Psy - Gangnam Style
(my absolute favorite thing ever, learn the dance!)

Radio Radio - Guess What?

4Minute - Heart to Heart to Heart (I don't think they quite understand the idiom, but dig that Death Proof poster!)

Radio Radio - Forme Elliptique (like something Alejandro Jodorowski would have made)

Hyuna - Bubble Pop (the chick from the Gangnam Style video at her sickly sweetest!)

Radio Radio - Jacuzzi (it is, of course, the Radio Radio gold standard, and I've posted it before)

If you're Korean and you actually do this, I want to know. I won't be holding my breath though. ;-)


tom said…
Looking for some more fun, surreal music videos?

Go to youtube and look up anything by MC Mong-- especially Indian Boy and Horror Show..

Outsider's unbelievably fast rap, Loner

Oolala Session's video for Beautiful Night..
I could go on and on.. Some of these titles on youtube might be in Korean only..If you can't find them, let me know