Canadian Thanks

Today is the Canadian Thanksgiving paid holiday (for which I am thankful), so I thought I'd thank Canadian people and things who made this last year better and/or geekier.

The Goguens (not just for last night's dinner, but for overall shared geeking out). This not being an election year on this side of the border. Republic of Doyle. My late discovery of Due South. Alpha Flight comics with proper French in them. The Paul Gross song "Ride Forever". Robin Sparkles. Nathan Fillion. K-Pop and Coconut Rum Night. Gunless. Booster Gold's new nationality--no no, I'm sorry, couldn't type that with a straight face because it still doesn't make sense to me. Ron Hynes. Hard Core Logo. Doctor Who. The town of Eureka. CKUM 93,5 FM. Geek Ruminations where I poached the above animated gif. And did I mention this day off from work? I did? Well, this is me mentioning it again. Thanks all!


Anonymous said…
Let's not forget the Nu52 Wes Dodds, leader of "The Sandmen" on Earth-2 (Earth-2 #5)
Siskoid said…
I'm so late on my comics reading, that constitutes a spoiler ;-).
Matthew Turnage said…
Even this year's album didn't knock me out, I can't let a year go by without thanking Canada's greatest export, Rush.
SallyP said…
Wait...Booster is CANADIAN? I thought he was from Gotham City?
Siskoid said…
See? Unbelievable.
LiamKav said…
I know have "Let's go to the mall" stuck in my head.


No, really.
