Reign of the Supermen #445: Superman-I

Source: Superman vol.1 #354-5, 364 (1980-81)
Type: Alternate future
From the Golden Age Superman - not even a full-power Superman - we know that after 60 years of active service, the most aging we might expect is some graying at the temples. So why does the 2020 version of Superman look so old after only 40 or tops, 50 years of service? As if trying to win a No-Prize or answer some pedantic letter hack, writer Bob Rozakis used up a 2020 back-up to explain just that.

See, back in the days when he had black hair, Superman tried to stop our sun from turning red because of a bomb planted by Lex Luthor. Lex knew Superman would stop it from happening, so it was really designed to give the Kryptonian a powerful dose of red sun energy, making him rapidly age in a single moment.
Payback for when they were both teens and Superboy blew all the hair off his head, making him prematurely bald. Lex was satisfied with this and didn't blow his second bomb, which the trio of Supermen operating in 2020 had to deal with. This time, they were ready, and Superman-I took the entire dose, which he was immune to thanks to the previous exposure, so no one needed to change their driver's permit and passport photos. Yay! Superman-III also plays a key role:
He's got a stretching cape. Updating his DC Heroes RPG stats now.


Martin Gray said…
Didn't Silver and Bronze Supie always have a stretchy cape?
Jeff R. said…
Next reboot, which will probably be around 2020, this should be what the DCU is based around.
Siskoid said…
Martin: I'm sure. My memory is foggy. Maybe Superman super-kissed me or something.

Jeff: That would be the reverse of what they're doing now.
Jeff R. said…
Exactly! After the 'no legacy characters' universe is played out, next up is an 'all legacy characters' version based largely on Superman 2020, The Super-Sons, and John Byrne's Generations.