The Superman Battle Plan Game

From the Superman Giant Games Book, because it's Friday and you shouldn't work too hard:
Use the model markers placed on their respective squares.
OBJECT: To trap your opponent.
PLAY: Each player chooses two markers. One playing on the red bases, the other on blue. Toss a coin to decide who plays first. The player who takes the first turn movies ones of his markers into the yellow circle in the middle, then the other player moves and so on. As the battle progresses one side or the other can be trapped, unable to move his marker. As you can see, lines link all the circles, exept the red and blue circles at the top. A player can move backward or forward along any of the lines but cannot jump across the top red and blue circles.
THE WINNER is the player that traps his opponents.

Uhm... Nope I don't get it. This Friday is going to be work after all.


MOCK! said…
My brain hurts....
Randal said…
Just try to move your markers until your opponent is unable to move his on his turn. That means they have to have one marker in the top corners, and one directly below, while the winner claims the middle square and the other lower circle. There's more than likely a pattern that guarantees a win, but I REALLY don't want to think too hard on it
Siskoid said…
You're saying you can't move to a circle where there's already a marker. But the rules say each player should move to the yellow circle on their first round, or does it actually say that player 1's only legal move on the first round is the yellow circle, after which all moves are possible.