Reign of the Supermen #452: Jonathan Morris' Superman

Source: Project: Rooftop (2008)
Type: Fan-made
Continuing Reign's commitment to fan-made Superman costumes, Jon Morris' Superman is loads of fun. It's like baby Kal-El landed in Ancient Greece, or if he was Aquaman to a Wonder Woman version of the Brave and the Bold cartoon. It's a real shame, when it comes to fan-designed Supermen, is that they are almost never used in a story, official or otherwise. It's too bad because so many of them seem to evoke a story that NEEDS to be told. I guess it's up to us, in those dark hours before sleep comes, to imagine them.

I've loved Jon Morris' cool projects like Marvel Universe Redux, Relaunched and Covered, where he invites artists to create their own versions of beloved characters, etc. His own are always a highlight.


Hey, nice to be on the blog! I'll tell you what my thinking behind this was - this is Superman in Supertown, if he had actually abandoned Earth for New Genesis as Kirby teased he was considering in Forever People #1.

So this is Superman fully acclimated to life as a New God, adorned in light-dappled gold armor as a living Sun God among celestial superhumans...

I also did redesigns as Superman as though he'd been saved from Krypton's destruction by being sent into the Phantom Zone instead of via rocketship, and another as Superman if he'd stayed to grow up in the 30th century... I had a few other ideas I never pursud, I oughtter get after those...
Siskoid said…
Does the art for those exist on the web?
I don't think so, anymore - they were on my old Livejournal - but I can post 'em to Google+ ...